The Book of Joe

At January’s Collective meeting, Joe Ziegler, the worship pastor at First Baptist Church Tuscaloosa, stopped by to tell us a few of the things God has taught him in worship ministry. Check out these selections from “The Book of Joe” and join us for our next meeting!

  1. Stay close to the Father (James 4:7)

  2. Guard your time with Jesus

  3. Your identity is in Christ, not in your service to Him (John 1:12, 15:16, Romans 8:28)

  4. Gain as much formal education as you can. Helps you to build a toolbox.

  5. Excellence and perfection are two very different things. One is attainable and the other is impossible.

  6. Play skillfully. Hone your craft.

  7. Good is the enemy of best. Don’t settle.

  8. Continue learning, we never know it all.

  9. Step outside the area of worship ministry.

  10. Love people even when they’re unlovable.

  11. Build relationships with people outside of your ministry area.

  12. Treat all people with graciousness and appreciation.

  13. Celebrate special events with your people.

  14. Be a joyful worshipper.

  15. Appreciate the work of others.

  16. Stay healthy: physically, mentally, emotionally.

  17. Be willing to admit when you’re wrong.

  18. Don’t take yourself too seriously.

  19. Make your family your priority OVER the church. If you neglect your family, you have failed

  20. God, others, yourself, in that order.

  21. Savor and appreciate all the moments. Keep all the thank-you notes.

  22. Stay humble.

  23. Invest in others.

  24. Substance over style.

  25. Love God. Love people.


Austin’s Advice


“How can I keep from singing?”- by Allison Haskell