“Remain calm”
Every camp, mission trip, or retreat has a “cry night.” You know the one, it’s when things get serious. Recently, the TWO42 band over at Northport Baptist was tasked with leading worship at one of these nights in Fair Bluff, North Carolina. Detailed scripts were rehearsed, 12-song sets were ironed out, prayers were prayed for lives to be changed and for everything to go smoothly for God’s glory. So what did He do? Kill the sound system in what was, at the moment, an inexplicable malfunction. One might say it was “an act of God.” Mics, electric drum kits, keyboards, and expectations were removed in an instant. Rather than call it quits and try again later with working equipment, every member of the leadership team felt the unique tug of the Holy Spirit to press on. What resulted from the ashes of a plan was a beautiful and life-changing night of worship and God-exalting praise that resulted in multiple people either giving their life to Jesus or refocusing their lives on Him. This was through no extraordinary mental fortitude or talent of the leadership team. In fact, just the opposite: it was a singular trust in God and what He was doing. Prayers had been prayed for lives to be impacted, and this was the route God was choosing to accomplish it. When something goes “wrong” in a worship service (if this somehow has not happened to you, your time is coming), remain calm. Trust that God is at work and that His plan is better than yours. Remember His sovereignty in that moment and the ones after, including the ones where things go “wrong”. Believe that He’s up to something and that He’s using it for His glory and your good.
~ Romans 8:28, Exodus 14:14, Isaiah 41:10